Eden Peake

Artist Statement

Repetition has been a very common theme in my works. Recently I’ve rediscovered interest in ceramics, and have enjoyed exploring the techniques and patterns possible in clay and glaze. They bring the same meditative experience watercolors and sketches do.

Artist Bio

Eden is an artist of multiple disciplines who grew up outside of Dubuque. She has lived and practiced her art in Cedar Falls, as well as New York City. For First Fridays, Eden will install her photography and watercolor works in our first floor gallery. Eden’s work exudes serenity. For her third public showing of work, she has curated a collection of photography and watercolor paintings. While the subject matter between the two media may at first feel unrelated, upon further observation it is clear what forms, shapes, and movement she is drawn to as an artist. Eden’s work flows with beautiful organic movement regardless of her media.

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